Unfortunately due to the current rise in COVID-19 cases in the Barnsley area, Year 6 Transitions will now take place virtually during the 7th, 8th & 9th July 2021. We still want to make these days as enjoyable as possible and have lots of virtually delivered lessons and tasks for each Year 6 group to complete and get involved with, all following the theme of World War II

Completed work can be sent to Year6@astreanetherwood.org This can be photos of work or actual word documents.  We are going to be issuing rewards for high quality work and effort levels.  Pupils who are self-isolating can access the work from home.

We have planned a full three days of activities. Each session will be pre-recorded to allow you to follow your own timetable. We are aiming to have the resources available the evening before to allow you time to review them.  Each lesson will either be a video, a powerpoint with audio or come with an instruction sheet for your pupils.  All the resources you need will be found on this page.

There will also be an emotional wellbeing booklet, some videos and a couple of other things available for you to use or signpost parents/carers towards.

In addition, Mr. Utley (Progress Leader for Y7 in waiting) and Ms. Brennan (Transition Manager) will be available for live teams sessions.  Please send a few times you can be available to Rachel.brennan@astreanetherwood.org and I will book you in.

Day One – Wednesday 7th July

Period Four


Day Two – Thursday 8th July

Period One

Meet your Year 7 team

Period Two

Meeting our Prefect Team

Period Four


Period Five


Due to an technical error Period 5 will now be English. Science will now run Period 1 on Friday 9th!

Day Three – Friday 9th July

Form Time


Period One


Period Three


Period Five


Reward Videos