Thank you for your interest in joining our growing community. Netherwood Academy is a non-selective, non-denominational secondary school for local children and we have a very simple and open approach to admissions. We are able to offer 320 new places in Year 7 each year.

If you would like to make an application to join us, please visit Barnsley Council’s website here.

School attendance and absence (

If there are more applications than places or if the year group is full, we prioritise applications in the following order:

  1. Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children
  2. Siblings of current pupils who will still be on roll when the child joins us
  3. By straight line distance

You can find out more information in our published admissions policies:

Netherwood Academy Admissions Policy 2024-25

We’d also love to tell you more about our school and to invite you in so that you can find out what to expect when your child joins us. To find out more, please contact the school office on 01226 272 000 or send us an email at