All the information you need for post-16 options in one place.
Careers Education Information Advice & Guidance
Careers Guidance
Miss Bain – Careers Leader
Miss Bain is determined that when our students leave Netherwood Academy, they do so having made a well informed and realistic decision about their next steps in life. This means starting the process long before reaching Year 11. Miss Bain and Head of PSHCE Miss Hancock are responsible for the careers programme in school. If you are a parent, guardian, carer, employer or provider with questions concerning careers guidance and post 16 options, you can contact Miss Bain on the above email or by calling the school.
Basic Risk Assessment for Visitors coming to school and working with students
Here at Netherwood Academy, the basis of our Careers Policy is that we work together in order to enable students to make well informed and realistic decisions about their choices at school and beyond.
Career Information and Resources for Students, Parents/Carers and Staff.
As part of our Careers Education Programme here at Netherwood Academy, we are delighted to be able to offer our students access to a digital Careers platform/library called Morrisby.
Morrisby is a place where students can record their personal and academic achievements and we would actively encourage this. It’s also a place where the school Careers Leader will record everything which contributes to a student’s Careers curriculum. This could be through form time, PSHE and other subject lessons, college and university visits, employer talks and much more!
All career-related topics will be securely stored for Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11), when your child will create a CV and Personal Statement in readiness for first job interviews and applications for various post-16/18 pathways. This includes direct links to training providers, apprenticeships, college, 6th form and university sites.
The Aspirations Questionnaire is something that we would recommend students take from Year 9 (although we would encourage Year 7 and 8 students to take advantage of the information resources on Morrisby). This part of the interactive platform provides students with information about which subjects are required for specific careers, available courses and links to relevant websites. Whether your child knows which pathway they would like to follow or not, the interactive questionnaire will help them make informed decisions about their future career. The questionnaire is free of charge.
The Careers and Enterprise Team in School
- Jess Bain – Assistant Principal and Careers leader – jess.bain@astreanetherwood.org
- Catherine Carruthers – National Careers Lead – catherine.carruthers@astreaacademytrust.org
- Liz Yoxall – Astrea Careers Advisor – liz.yoxall@astreaacademytrust.org
- Linzi Oates – Community Enterprise Co-ordinator – Linzi.Oates@astreanetherwood.org
- Claire Walker – STEM Co-ordinator – claire.walker@astreanetherwood.org
- Ruth Hancock – PSHE co-ordinator (Careers Education) – ruth.hancock@astreanetherwood.org
Netherwood Academy – Careers Plan