Key Stage 4 (KS4) Results
- The percentage of students achieving 4+ in English and maths has increased by 3% from the previous year and is a solid starting point for the continued improvement during the current academic year.
- Triple science students continued to achieve well in comparison to national average.
Biology 90.3% (89% National)
Chemistry 90.3% (89% National)
Physics 93.5% (91% National)
- The percentage of students entered fro the Ebacc suite of qualifications increased by 13% in 2018. This resulted in a 10% increase in the pass rate at 4+.
Work is well underway for the current and future academic years, as Netherwood welcomes the challenges ahead in ensuring our young people achieve well, experience a rounded curriculum and leave with results that will give them the best Life Chances in the future.
- Overall Progress 8 score: -0.8
- Overall Attainment 8 score: 36.9
- % of students achieving grade 5+ in English and Maths: 27%
- % Achieving EBacc: 10.5%
- Average point score (EBacc APS), showing pupils’ point scores across the 5 pillars of the EBacc:
English 4.27
Maths 3.73
Sciences 3.5
Languages 1.03
Humanities 2.34
- % staying in education or going onto employment: data available 2nd week in October
To see our Academy on the School & College performance tables please visit